Iso 14001 certificate

We welcome the obtaining of the ISO 14001 Certificate, the highest international distinction in environmental management. We thus strengthen actions for the protection of the environment and the optimization of the management of resources and waste.

Actions include a commitment to pollution prevention by boosting recycling and reuse of materials, energy efficiency or the design of sustainable products.

Environmental Policy

All the people who form Sempere adopt as a principle of action a responsible attitude, respecting the environment.

Our commitment to sustainable retail also leads us to periodically review the environmental objectives and targets set, controlling their progress and achievement through a process of continuous improvement. For compliance, we determine an Environmental Policy that is embodied in a number of principles summarized below.


Implementation of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Fulfilment of the commitment to project continuous improvement in processes and prevent the pollution that they could generate, through the implementation and maintenance of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to guarantee it.

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Collaboration for the conservation of the planet

Maintain an open and collaborative relationship with public entities and companies in our environment, to make policies and actions for the protection and conservation of the planet.


Setting consistent environmental goals and targets

With the aim of preventing and minimizing the real and potential environmental impacts of industrial activity.

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Reduction and optimization of resources

Commitment to reduce and optimize the consumption of natural resources, as a contribution to the preservation of the environment.

A recognition of environmental commitment

This certification is possible thanks to the continuous and joint work of the company and its collaborators in environmental management and protection.


ISO 14001