bustos colgando instrucciones

Operating instructions

Hanging Bust Form


Arm Assembly

The arm springs must be fully screwed in.


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Hanging & Unhanging The Bust

The metallic pin is used to fix the two tubes, to unhook press the pin and hold the bust.



Adjusting The Bust Orientation

The O-ring allows the tube to be screwed,  so that the bust faces in the desired direction, while the metal pin remains at the back.

manual freestand 1

Operating instructions

Freestand Bust Form.


Base Parts

1 Round base + 1 pole + 1 anchorage.

*No tools are required for the assembly of the base.


Base Assembly1

Base Assembly

Screw the pole into the base.

Please note: Tighten as much as possible, otherwise the bust will not be properly secured.


anchorage base

Base Assembly

Position the anchor at the correct height, matching the hole mark.



Base Assembly

Place the bust on the base, making sure that the fixing stick enters the marked hole.



Arms Assembly

The arm springs must be fully screwed in.

Once the arm is in place, stretch the fabric so that there are no wrinkles in the shoulder area.


manual freestand 1

Total Heights

If you have followed the instructions, the bust should measure:

Woman: 1.90cm
Men: 1.95cm